Royal Caribean Vision of the Seas cruise review

Race Report for Cactus Cha-Cha 2008

The called the 7 miler group to the start and I headed for the middle of the pack. Chad headed for the back of the pack. Within 1/4 mile Chad had passed me, so I just paced my self off of him. We got to a sign that indicated it was 1 mile for the mini-cha-cha. They take an additional loop so it was only about .7 miles in for us. It caught some people off guard that there was the first mile. I continued to pace behind Chad for a few more minutes, then I continued to pass him up the hill. I never looked back for him after that, I just focused on running the best I can for the entire time. At about mile 3.2 we encounter 4 switchbacks and the person that was following behind me asked if I was going to run the entire way up. I said "you bet I am" I then asked the only person in front of me if they were going to run up them and the person just got out of the way and I took off up them. At about 3\4 of the way up, I came upon a large group of people that were briskly walking so I just fell in behind them for about one minute. When I crested they all seemed to pull off to catch their breath, and I took off down the other side of the mountain. I was out of the technical area and along a flat area, so I looked down at the distance and it read 4.88 miles, then BOOM, down I go. Got the knee and wrist banged up, but I do not think I missed a beat, I was up and going, only this time focusing on the trail. I then came across the finish line at 1:12:58. 5 minutes better than last year and a new PR for me. Oh yea, Wes I did beat Chad, but that will be short lived (I will gloat in the mean time).
In the morning I head to this:

To go here:

The deep FREEZE Arizona style

If you have been waiting patiently for fall, your perfect weekend has arrived.
Today will be warm, but it all begins to change on Saturday when cool weather - yes, actually cool - rolls into the Valley from the north.
High temperatures Saturday and Sunday will remain in the 70s, according to the National Weather Service. The last time a weekend stayed below 80 degrees was in March.
Last night I went for a run with Chad to stretch our legs, before the Cactus Cha Cha run on Saturday. With the forecast, I will need to find my parka and Yacktracks for the early morning run. I think we will hang out with Chad and Julie on Saturday and Sunday before we get snowed in, we will head for Mexico.
Just keep swimming

My friend Michelle has given me an "I Heart Your Blog" award!
Thanks a lot, Michelle!!!
This comes with another responsibility: to post another six random facts about myself and "tag" another six bloggers with some blogging love.
Here goes nothing:
1) I have OCD, Once I get something going, I do not let it go.
2) I LOVE politics, you know there is the right way and the wrong way to look at things.
3) I have a slight fear of snakes, I can look at them in a cage, and even hold them if they are handed to me, but I fear comming across one in the wild. I am prepared for when it does happen, I know what to do and that is to get Chad between the snake and I.
4) I hated school until I went for my master(s) degrees. From grade school through college I was happy with just a passing grade, and they were not all passing. My first graduate degree I graduated with a 3.2 gpa and my MBA I graduated with a 3.8 gpa.
5) If I could go back to school, I probably would choose Law school.
6) I am the black sheep of the family.
So there you have it.
I am hereby tagging:1) Bob2) Chad3) Julie4) Lisa5) Pat and6) Poke
Weight loss in the wrong direction

Another slide in the right direction.

This morning, I weighed in at 186.8 (187) and only 9 days to go till I go on vacation.
I lost 10LBS in the last 18 days.

Last night, I got with the running group and knocked out 7.63 miles in 81minutes. I ended up burning 1341 calories :)
Here is what I did yesterday:
7.63 miles
Food Intake:
Honey Bunches of Oates: 130 Calories
Milk: 60 calories
Cliff Bar: 240 calories
Salad w/ South Beach Italian Dressing: 100 calories
Carrots: 25 calories
Celery: 35 calories
Sugar Free Jello w/fruit: 50 calories
Almonds: 50 calories
Redvines: 420 calories
Beef Tip Meat: 200 calories
Steamed Veggies: 70 calories
Total: 1380 calories
Final Result (This morning), 187 lbs. 17 to go
Total Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) (2129) - 1380(Consumed) = 749 deficit
Total Calories burned exercising = 1341
Total FAT Calories used = 2090
Moving down the scale again

Run: 5 miles
Food Intake:
Honey Bunches of Oates: 120 Calories
Milk: 60 calories
Cliff Bar: 240 calories
Oatmeal to go: 220 calories
Tomatoes: 25 calories
Celery: 35 calories
Apples X 2: 70 calories
Almonds: 150 calories
Cheese (laughing cow) X 2: 70 calories
Banana: 90 calories
Carrots: 50 calories
Hershey's miniature chocolate: 125 cal
Water: LOTS AND LOTS================================
Final Result (This morning), 188 lbs. 5 down and 18 to go.
Total Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) (2129) - 1490(Consumed) = 639 deficit
Total FAT Calories used = 1394
Flat Line Day

Total: 1746 calories
Final Result (This morning), 189 lbs. 4 down and 19 to go.
Total Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) (2129) - 1746(Consumed) = 383 deficit
Total Calories burned exercising = 732

I hope that none of you are picking up a 6 pack of Cinnabon Cinnamon rolls for a lunchtime snack.