I have had a lot on my mind, and have not even thought about blogging. I found out that I am scheduled to be LAID OFF from my work. I guess the good news about this is that I have a job until June 30, 2010. Yes, that is over a year away. Since I work for a local city government, the layoff's that are proposed still need council approval. Needless to say, I have become a lobbyist for keeping my job.
After Across the Years, I took some time off to recover, and I know I took too much time. I lost a lot of motivation for running, but I am now back to running an hour at a time 3 to 4 times a week. I am slowly building on the base I once had. I am still looking for the motivation for running longer and following any healthy eating habits that I once had.
The one thing I recognized with everything that is going on in my life, I did go to the Dr and am now back on my anti-depressant, I went off them for about 6 months and was doing OK without them, but with the loss of the job and lack of motivation for exercise, etc. I recognized the feelings and knew what needed to be done.
I do have the goal of doing a Rim to Rim to Rim run May 8th at the Grand Canyon. This has got me on the stair master for an hour after my runs, which is burning my leg muscles.
The only other race on my Schedule (as of now) is a lovely trip in July to the resort town of Stove Pipe Wells in Death Valley, CA. I am a crew member for Leigh Corbin for Badwater 2009. After she completes the race (great positive attitude) we are planning on hiking to the summit of Mt. Whitney, which will be my first time going from the lowest elevation to the highest peak in the lower 48 states.
Glad you're back, buddy! Well get some runs in together and hopefully I can talk you into heading up to Flagstaff for the trail marathon in September. I've had drop-offs in my running motivation, too. That's why I'm trying to keep the running calendar full. It keeps me focused. I have a 5k on Saturday morning. Let me know if you are interested.
Great talking to you the other day!!! Glad to see you being back. I also can't run well when I have things on my mind and it's ok to get a little bit of help to get through it. Hang tight - you have great running adventures ahead of you.
I'm glad to see you back my friend! :-) Hang in there buddy!
You have been MIA ! Welcome back. I wish I could do R2R2R with you, but the timing doesn't work for a cross-country trip. Great that you are going to crew for Leigh at BW. She is a wonderful person. I will see you out there.
Good to hear from you, Eric. Sorry to hear about the job, but 16 months notice is amazing, really.
Didn't I see the JFK 50 on your schedule at some point? (Maybe I was seeing things.)
I was so glad to see you're back....but also sad to hear about your job. That sucks!
Well, welcome back! (I had sortof resolved myself to clicking on your blog and re-reading that post about the hockey game...lol)
That is so cool that you get to crew Badwater!!! I am so jealous! :>D
Keep your head up buddy!
It is hard to be thnakful for the pre-warning notice on the job front...but... Scott received nothing and has now been on the job hunt for 4 months.
Keep moving forward and keep a positive atitude. It makes ALL the difference!!!!
It is hard to be thnakful for the pre-warning notice on the job front...but... Scott received nothing and has now been on the job hunt for 4 months.
Keep moving forward and keep a positive atitude. It makes ALL the difference!!!!
Welcome back. Think a lot of bloggers are taking a breather right now. Sorry to hear about things on the job front, look on the bright side... if the worse happens you have a bit of over a years worth of salary and some time to hopefully find something else.
Good luck getting back into the swing of things!
Hi Bud. Just checking in. I've been MIA too while I get this darn hip fixed. Hope to post soon. Glad you got back to the running, it will help with the positive attitude. Also glad you recognized the signs and went back on the antidepr. Good for you!! I'll be thinking about you.
It is important for you to keep your chin up. Better days are ahead. You are not alone. You have to remember when the door is ready to close on you, another door will open for you. At least, you have amble time to look into something else during the transition.
Lastly, I am very jealous that you are heading to Death Valley as a crew member for Leigh. I would LOVE to go there and to witness the Badwater event.
Stay strong, dude!
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