I completed the marathon, and Bob I would not except a NDF. The official time was 5:38:21 which is a PR for me. OK all first races are a PR. My mind is so fried even after two days of recovery, I will try to tell you all the highlights of it. Jess is not allowed to correct this grammar or spelling on this posting.
Started off on Saturday am when Chad picked me up and we drove 5 hours to San Diego. Stopping in Yuma AZ for breakfast. As we headed over the border to CA, I told Chad that I would hold my breath till we got back into AZ. Yea right. We were crossing the mountains in CA and saw a sign indicating "Wild life lookout ahead" and what we saw was truly wild, a couple hundred yards ahead there was some 400 lb+ guy outside his car and I said look, there is a hippo, the sign was right. OK that was probably mean, lets face it he and his kid probably keep some small food chain like McDonald's or Burger king in business.
We finally got to the expo got our race numbers, some shopping and had a seat to wait for Dean Karnazes to discuss nutrition and endurance running. What a good presentation, Chad and I got up when he started to do the QA and was first in line to his signing. When he got to the Accelerade booth we spent several minutes talking to him and even spent some time talking with his mother. Both of whom are extremely pleasant people and someone that I could hang with.
We headed to the hotel (on the beach) and grabbed a bite to eat. We elected to do a short 20 minute jog, ten out and back. We ran along the boardwalk along pacific beach and enjoyed the late afternoon sun. In short Chad's knee started hurting him and I told him that I did not need him to pace me in the morning if his knee was acting up. I would rather run solo for 26.2 miles than have him hurt his knee beyond repair. Knowing that his knee has been bothering him some in the recent past, I found the respect for him to pick up his timing chip and number earlier in the day. We both knew that he would probably would not run the entire marathon, but now the pain on his face indicated that even getting to the start would be too much.
Race morning, 16,373+ individuals at the start. (16373 finishers), PortaPotty was in full swing, and even the bushes were getting a good watering that morning from both guys and girls. I guess 50 deep waiting for a PortaPotty is not an option.
Here is my race report: Kept with the 4:45 pacer lady for 9 miles, then fell back to a heart rate of 168 - 180 (Training zone 3) which allowed me to incorporate some walking breaks. About the 1/2 way point I started to feel my knees giving me some discomfort. About mile 15 I thought I might not be able to make it to the finish, but turning back and going to the start was even further. This is where I started implementing Dean's strategy One foot in front of the other/Baby steps. I would jog for two minutes and walk for one. I make it and I felt that I could have continued for some more distance after the finish line with this strategy.
Now for the interesting sightings, with that many individuals in one place you are bound to see some interesting things. Here are the highlights:
- Lady trips over trolley tracks and falls while running and Text messaging. (she deserved it)
- I witnessed 5 individuals on stretchers.
- One line of bushes with 45 men standing with their backs to the race, all watering the bushes.
- Numerous women running behind (other) bushes to do their part in watering the bushes.
- One Pamela Anderson bikini Poster
- 4 or 5 water stations sponsored by gay pride group (Thank you all for the entertainment)
- Can we say that there was more than one Elvis sighting
- One lady wearing her thong leatar over her spandex (isn't that so 80ish)
- Some other lady wearing her underwear over her running shorts (non spandex)
- OK Bob here you go - Lots of spandex and even several female blond officers along the route
- The most inspirational sighting for the day goes out to the BLIND lady with the cane and no support crew. I hope she made it to the finish line, she rocks.
Now what is on the agenda. Well yesterday I did the chiropractor and electrical shock therapy on my back. I also got in an hour of personal training at the gym. I am actually feeling really good considering what I put my self through. I felt about the same or better after the marathon than I did the Half in January. That is progress.
I now focus on the gym and FAT loss. Lori and I have 24 personal training sessions over the next three months all geared at burning off FAT. Her doctor wants her to be doing it at least three times a week. So for this month We meet with the trainer 3 times a week for four weeks then 2 times a week for four weeks and we do one workout on our own during that time. Then the last four weeks we will meet with the trainer once a week and do two workouts on our own each week. After that we will be on our own.
Also we are moving this week starting on Thursday.
Thank all of you for cheering me on, I thought of you during the race. Steph, I thought of running with you along Friars Rd back in Oct. around mile 12-13.