Good morning everyone, I had to take a couple of weeks to get my life in line. I know have it in order and as straight as a circle. I have been running and tending to my achilles tendon. I have not had any problems with it in a couple of weeks. I have been going to Physical Therapy twice a week for strengthening and flexibility of my legs. When I first went to PT, they noticed that my legs are not the same strength or have the same flexibility and my left (injured) leg was over compensating for my right one.
I am still on the training plan for the RNR marathon in San Diego, June 1st. I have five races to do before then.
I am actually looking forward to a NEW 5K that is happening on the Phoenix International Raceway (Inaugural Enviro 5K) on April 26th. You actually get to run on the PIR track. My wife is also going to run this race with me.
Last night after dinner, I went for my 5 mile run at a 10:32 minute pace, and is feeling good.
Happy Easter to everyone and do not eat too much chocolate this weekend.